I can't sign in keeps looping me around to the app reviews page where you decide to install it.
I depend on this service.
App crashes after the update
There is no option to open PDFs in Adobe Reader (other PDF files on the device open in Adobe Reader as expected). Since PDFs only open in the embedded viewer, and the app seems to only support portrait mode, turning the device sideways does not rotate the screen, making it difficult to view. There is no option to download the attached PDF files. Not usable as is. 2022-03-27 Still no fix for unusable PDFs after recent update. Fail!
Express i.d. card to be and do it all forever. Heads up, on the waist side. How is it? XXX factor try it out sometimes and get the app.
I subscribed when I was living in another state and now I get text messages all the time from my old address and there's no way to stop it the app sucks because it does not give you the ability to stop it.
Easy peasy
It's worthless
What are you doing to correct problems identified in your negative reviews?
NEVERBridge is failing big time in our city. City Council and the City Manager is getting hammered by residents about the failure of NEVERBridge products. NEVERBridge staff are arrogant and think they know better than everyone else... they DON'T. Time for a different contractor!